Teatro Verdi (Verdi Theatre)

Vista dell'interno del Teatro Verdi

In addition, Montecatini Terme shares an irrevocable bond with Giuseppe Verdi who loved to get away from the bustle of the city to enjoy the benefits of the thermal waters, which were an indispensable source of serenity and inspiration. Due to this admiration, the city has dedicated its most important avenue to the great composer, the centrally located Viale Verdi, along which several places are dedicated to Verdi, including the Teatro Verdi. Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a mighty bronze statue of Giuseppe Verdi by Russian artist Aidyn Zeinalov.

The building’s original name was “Teatro Giardino Le Terme”, as it was designed by architect Ludovico Fortini as an open-air theatre in the surrounding pine forest. During the 1980s, the Teatro Verdi underwent major restorations. In fact, in 1981 it was provided with a fixed techno-structure roof. Furthermore, from being a great temple of opera music, it was then used by RAI as a studio theatre in the 1980s, becoming the location for some famous Italian variety shows, such as Serata d’Onore, Torno sabato or the more recent Cavalli di Battaglia with Gigi Proietti.

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Viale Verdi, 45

51016 Montecatini Terme (PT)

Tel. 0572 78903 – Fax 0572 70626

E-mail: info@teatroverdimontecatini.it