Tamerici Salts Pavilion
Located on Viale Verdi, at the height of the theatre of the same name, this building was constructed in 1903 according to the design of architect Giulio Bernardini, who was inspired by shops in Bad Kissingen, Germany. Initially, it was used for the sale of thermal salts from the Tamerici spring. However, later it became home to various businesses.
On its façade are four large stoneware bas-reliefs, the work of Domenico Trentacoste (1859 – 1933), representing the figures of ceramic work: the decorator, the turner, the kiln worker and the artist. The latter is depicted in the guise of Galileo Chini, founder of the “Manifattura Fiorentina dell’Arte e della Ceramica” (Florentine Manufacture of Art and Ceramics). Chini is also the author of the frieze paintings under the eaves of the pavilion.